User registration
How to set up a user in the ID ISSUER system?
On the main page of the system, run the registration of a new user by means of the command "Register in ID ISSUER."
The user registration form should contain identification data: e-mail address - the user's identifier in the system, name and surname, as well as the language in which we want the system to display information.
It is required to accept the Terms and Conditions (its content available at the link) and consent to the processing of personal data. You should also solve the CAPTCHA problem and you can accept the use of cookies by the website.
The data entered on the form should be sent with the "SEND" command.
A message confirms that the data has been sent correctly:
According to which a message with the subject "Registration in the ID Issuer system" is sent to the e-mail address provided during registration, allowing for the activation of the account:
Find this message in your mailbox and use the activation link with the "Activate account" button.
On the linked page (shown below) enter your password twice in the appropriate fields.
According to the description, the password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one character from each of the following: digits (0-9), lower case letters (a-z), upper case letters (A-Z), special characters (;,!).
When the password is confirmed, press the "SAVE" button.
If the password has been entered correctly, you are logged into the ID ISSUER system by the newly created account.
The ID ISSUER system's main panel is displayed on the screen.
From this point on, you can log in to the ID ISSUER system with your e-mail address and a newly created password.