Error codes returned by the API

List of error codes

In addition to standard HTTP status codes ID Issuer API returns more specific information about the error that occuerd. Possible errors are listed below:

Error code Description
-1 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1001 Request contains invalid data that cannot be correctly validated
1002 Data has changed since last update - try again
1003 Request contains invalid data that cannot be correctly validated
1101 Could not validate data in Router
1102 Invalid login data
1103 Identifiers were not downloaded
1104 User was already added to the hierarchy
1105 Registering user account failed
1106 Setting password for user failed
1107 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1108 Cancalleation period for identifiers request has passed
1109 Cancellation period for identifiers request has not passed
1110 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1111 Synchronisation with Dentsu was not finished
1112 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1113 Selected country is not supported
1114 Identifiers were archived
1115 Request is already resolved
1116 Machine request is already resolved
1117 Economic operator request is already resolved
1118 Facility request is already resolved
1119 Selected country is not supported
1120 Identifiers batch was already synchronized
1121 Selected machine was not found
1122 Selected identifiers batch was not found
1123 Selected user was not found
1124 Selected economic operator was not found
1125 Selected aggregated identifiers were not found
1126 Selected unit identifiers were not found
1127 Selected contract was not found
1128 Selected client was not found
1129 Selected machine part was not found
1130 Selected service request was not found
1131 Selected request for machine identifier code was not found
1132 Selected request for economic operator identifier code was not found
1133 Selected request for identifiers was not found
1134 Selected request for aggregated identifiers was not found
1135 Selected request for unit identifiers was not found
1136 Selected request for machine part was not found
1137 Selected request for facility identifier code was not found
1138 Selected facility was not found
1139 User has no access to the service
1140 User has no access to resource
1141 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1142 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1143 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1144 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1145 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1146 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1147 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1148 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1149 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1150 Wrong checksum
1152 Identifiers request already passed to generation
1153 User can not directly manage peer user accesses
1154 User can not self revoke permissions
1155 Economic operator address is in old format
1156 Facility address is in old format
1157 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1158 User can not be added as root to existing hierarchy
1159 User is a root user and can not be modified
1161 The Economic Operator with the provided id is not associated with the requested ID
1162 Machine part deregister request has not started
1163 Machine part register request has not started
1164 Machine part edit request has not started
1165 Identifiers request cannot be submitted for selected country
1166 Wrong amount of requested identifiers
1167 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1168 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1169 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1170 AntiTampering validation failed
1171 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1172 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1173 Identifiers have not been generated yet
1174 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1175 User is a root user and can not be deleted
1176 Selected client can not be deleted. Check user permissions, contracts and registries.
1177 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1178 User is single superior user and can't be deleted without deleting whole client
1179 Technical error on ID Issuer side
1180 Only root user can modify his own service grants.
1181 NIP number is already assigned to an active Economic Operator in current client structure
1182 VAT UE number is already assigned to an active Economic Operator in current client structure